
Sunday, May 3, 2009

Amazing Grass.

Amazing Grass is nothing short of amazing. Kidz SuperFood is a powerful mix for kids. It's like a super dose of everything great. The chocolate powder transforms ordinary milk into a powerhouse of nutrition. With a rainbow in each glass! Yellow and oranges, reds, green, blues and purples. 33 fruits and vegetables in a healthy scoop of cocoa! It does not taste like ordinary chocolate milk, but it is tasty. My oldest loves it. Simply mix one packet or scoop in one ounce of water. This allows the powder to dissolve. Add the mix to 4-6 ounces of milk and enjoy! Give your child up to three servings daily. This SuperFood is wonderful. You can even heat it up and serve your child a hot cocoa full of vital nutrients! Your child will never know that this special beverage is loaded with phytonutrients like organic alfalfa, asparagus, broccoli. There's even guava, carrots, beets and more in each and every sip. I don't need to feel guilty if my child has an "all I want is pizza" day. Amazing Grass has me covered. Visit Amazing Grass and enjoy the rainbow.
Amazing Grass is offering one lucky US resident a wonderful a Kidz SuperFood combo, 2 bottles of powder and a box of packets! To enter, visit their site and check out the list of ingredients in Kidz Superfood! Leave me a comment and tell me which ingredient your child dislikes the most. My son hates red cabbage. But it's so good for you! It's nice to know that Amazing Grass found a creative and tasty way to combine all those things that some kids have a hard time eating! Giveaway ends midnight EST May 31, 2009. Follow me and leave a comment for your second entry. Blog about this giveaway or Tweet and win an additional two entries! Be sure to comment with the link!


  1. Wow there are a lot of things in that superfood! My son loves sweet potatoes - by far his favorite. Thanks! alicedemskehansen at

  2. I follow! alicedemskehansen at

  3. The ingredient that my child likes the least are ALL of the greens! She won't eat any of them, so this sounds like a great product for her!!!

  4. There are several in there that my son doesn't like but one of them is the yellow squash.

  5. my 5 year old is going thru a phase where I have to fight her to eat anything green, but I make her eat them because they have so many benefits.

    webowes at hotmail dot com

  6. follower

    webowes at hotmail dot com

  7. my child HATES asparagus
    throuthehaze at gmail dot com

  8. My two year old struggles with all veggies especially green ones like spinach and broccoli.


  9. Would love to win this. Contact me when I win at Cindy

  10. I think of all the ingredients my kiddos would stick their toungues out at the lima beans! :) What a cool product! :)

  11. my kids hate brussel sprouts. I would love this as my kids dont eat veggies, they need them thanks

  12. I have to pick just one thing my 3 year old dislikes??? Ok, I know she hates Brussel Sprouts but really she has gotten so picky the list goes on and on.

  13. Wow this is really neat! Thanks for the review. My daughter hates asparagus.

  14. I tweeted
