
Friday, April 17, 2009

Mommy Mogul!

I don't have a creative bone in my body. I don't craft, I can't sew, and scrapbooking? Forget about it. I wish I could mix lotions and potions, make soaps and candles, but I'm afraid I'll have to pass. My definition of cake is Betty Crocker, although I do make a mean buttercream. To fulfill my creative needs, I turn to Etsy. Mommy Mogul is one of the shops that I recently found. I was impressed by the variety they offered. Every woman's dream. They offer chocolate, candles, and soaps, Fizzy Bubbles Bath Bombs and lotions. Perfect for PMS, and perfect to unwind after a hard day at work or battling with the kids. Their Hershey's Cake is a wonderful alternative to traditional cake and it definitely hits the chocolate spot! Kisses are surrounded by milk chocolate bars, and it's all beautifully wrapped. Mommy Mogul is mom's best friend. Husbands too! In a pinch, it will have you out of the doghouse. Perfect pick-me-up gifts that will make life a little sweeter!

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